We are living in the End times, and sadly mankind has become so nasty and agro,and hateful. And what is even safer is that mankind is looking to man to save him,instead of looking to God. It is the same about the vaccine, mankind is believing in what the government is telling them. The vaccine is not going to save you or protect you,I don’t care if you have 20 shots, you are still not protected from any of the virus and the ones to come.A vaccine is something you only take once, and it is supposed to protect you for life, not something you go get every 3 months. And the unvaccinated people are not a threat to you, you are a threat to them.If you are so afraid of the unvaccinated, then it tells me that you don’t believe that the vaccine is going to protect you, it means you don’t trust it,but yet you listen to the government people and you still go out and get a shot. The only people that are going around spreading the virus is the vaccinated, you go to parties, you go to concert and sporting events, you go to the pub, and night clubs, and even go on a holiday, but you refuse to wear a mask, you breathe all over everyone and cough and think it is funny. It is not. So don’t blame the unvaccinated people because they are doing their part by protecting themselves, wearing their masks and staying home and keeping safe. They are not your enemies. If you would look to God and not mankind, God will keep you safe from all of the viruses.

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